Information REPOSITORY

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I have applied for a Deed Poll. How do I change name on birth certificate?

In England and Wales, you can only change the name on your birth certificate in very limited circumstances, as your birth certificate is considered to be a “matter of fact”.  In Scotland and Northern Ireland, it is possible to change the name on your birth certificate in certain circumstances.  For instance, for adults, it is possible to change Birth Certificate once you have already been using your new name for at least 2 years.  In our opinion, however, there are some disadvantages to changing your name on your birth certificate.  For instance, you may still want to prove that, in the past, your name was different, and your unchanged Birth Certificate would more easily allow you to do so.  If your birth was registered in Scotland or Northern Ireland, you can still change your name by Deed Poll.

For more information about changing your name on the birth certificate, please go to the Deed Poll Information list at the top left of this page, and click on “Registration/Certificates”.


To review the most current version of this information, please visit After Obtaining A Deed Poll

The UK Deed Poll Office is not a government agency. Our function is purely as a document provider for the self-declaration of an unenrolled deed poll. We are here to assist in your name change journey, as we have done for over 100,000 UK residents.


Join the thousands who have trusted the UK Deed Poll Office to help change their name. Fill out our fast, simple, and affordable online application to receive your Deed Poll in no time!
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