Welcome to our list of the 50 most popular Russian Girl's names. Each name has a short explanation of its meaning along with a cool fact about the name.
This list is perfect for:
Akilina: Meaning "eagle", Akilina is one of the most elegant and expressive Russian baby names.
Aleksandra: An ideal name for a protective and nurturing daughter, Aleksandra translates to "defender of man".
Alexis: In the same vein, Alexis also means "defender of man" in Russian.
Alina: This name refers to a "bright" and "beautiful" girl. It is among the most popular Russian baby names.
Alisa: A Russian word for "great happiness".
Anastasia: Defined as "resurrection".
Anya: Anya is one of the Russian first names that are derived from other languages. It is a version of 'Anna', an originally-Hebrew name that highlights that your daughter is a "gift of God's favor".
Bohdana: The name indicates that your baby girl is "from God".
Cyzarine: Meaning "royalty".
Czarina: An ideal choice for parents who are looking for a title that signifies royalty, Czarina is the female version of 'czar'. To clarify, the czars ruled the Russian Empire up until the early 1900s.
Dominika: The name pertains to a daughter who was "born on Sunday".
Doroteya: Defined as "God's gift".
Dusana: Dusana symbolizes the "spirit" or "soul".
Ekaterina: Ekaterina translates to "perfect".
Feodora: This name means "God's gift".
Helenka: Meaning "light".
Helga: A pious and lovely name for your baby girl, Helga conveys that your daughter is "holy".
Inessa: A format of the Spanish name 'Inez', Inessa pertains to "purity".
Jelena: A wonderful name that suggests that your newborn girl is a "shining light".
Kira: An excellent title for a natural-born leader, Kira refers to a "leader of the people".
Kisa: This cute name means "kitty".
Kiska: Meaning "pure".
Lanassa: A name that implies that your daughter is "cheerful".
Lara: Lara is another word for "famous".
Larisa: Meaning "cheerful".
Larissa/Laryssa/Lari: This marvelously comforting name simply means "protection".
Luda: Defined as "love of the people".
Maria: A globally-popular name, Maria denotes that you have a baby girl who is "of the sea" in its Russian format.
Miesha: The feminine version of 'Michael', which translates to "gift from God" in Hebrew.
Mila: Mila shows that your daughter is "loved by the people".
Milena: Similarly, Milena means "people's love".
Miroslava: This authentic and enchanting name symbolizes "peaceful glory".
Mischa: If you're looking for religious Russian names for girls, Mischa should be on your shortlist. It suggests that you have a baby "who is like God".
Nadia/Nadya/Nadine: The meaning of each of the three formats of this classic name is "hope".
Natalya: Another pious and religious title, Natalya is defined as "birthday of Christ".
Nikita: Nikita is the Russian variant of 'Nike', the name of the mythological Greek goddess of victory.
Ninette: The name 'Anne' represents "favor" or "grace". Ninette is its Russian form.
Oksana: Oksana means "praise to God".
Olga: A name that expresses that your daughter is "holy".
Olien: Olien indicates that your baby girl is a "dear one".
Polina: Polina is an authentic Russian name that refers to a "humble" person.
Raissa: A classic and beautiful name that's widespread across many cultures, Raissa translates to "rose" in Russian.
Sasha: This unisex name connotes that your daughter is a "defender of mankind".
Sashenka: Sahenka, meanwhile, has a more expanded definition. It means "defender and helper of mankind".
Savina: Savina implies that your baby girl is from the ancient Italian tribe of Sabine.
Sezja: Meaning "protector".
Sofia: A smart and elegant title, Sofia pertains to "wisdom".
Tanya: The meaning of this gorgeous feminine name depends on whether it's used in a Russian or Russian and Slavic context. In its pure Russian format, Tanya means "fairy princess", while its Russian and Slavic definition is "fairy queen".
Tatiana: A lovely name that's prevalent in many Western countries, Tatiana has the same meanings as Tanya.
Ulyana: Ulyana highlights that you have a "youthful" daughter.
Vanka: Vanka is a name that denotes a girl who is "favored by God".
Vanya: This title signifies that your baby is a "gracious gift from God".
Verushka: Although the Russian meaning of this name is unclear, Verushka translates to "truthful" and "defender" in the Latin and Teutonic languages, respectively.
Viktoria: A popular aristocratic title, Viktoria is synonymous with "victory".
Yana: Yana means "gift from God".
Yelena: This name symbolizes "light".
Yeva: A beautiful and lively name, Yeva conveys that you have a "life-giving" daughter.
Yulia: The Russian form of 'Julia', which pertains to a "youthful" girl.
Zagir: Meaning "flower".
Zilya: Zilya is a Russian word for "harvester".
Whether you prefer a religious and/or aristocratic name, an original and authentic Russian title, or a simple and straightforward one, this list should give you at least a handful of ideas, if not more.