Welcome to our list of the 50 most popular Mexican Boy's names. Each name has a short explanation of its meaning along with a cool fact about the name.
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First of all, here is a list of common masculine Mexican names. Most of them are derived from Spanish and other European languages.
Adrián: This among the Mexican boy names that have various linguistic roots. In Spanish, Hungarian, and Slovak, Adrián refers to someone "from Hadria", an Italian town.
Agustín: A first name that was held by members of the Mexican nobility throughout different points in history.
Alejandro: Meaning "defender".
Alvaro: This unique title translates to "elf army" in Spanish and Portuguese.
Andrés: An ideal name for baby boys, Andrés is defined as "masculine".
Antonio: While the Spanish connotation of this name is unknown, Antonio is an excellent choice for parents who are looking for a classic and sophisticated title for their son.
Arturo: Meaning "bear king".
Carlos: Another great option for a name that expresses masculinity, the meaning of Carlos is "man".
Daniel: Daniel is an originally-Hebrew title that is widespread across Mexico and many other parts of the world. Daniel translates to "God is my judge".
Diego: This name pertains to a "teacher".
Eduardo: As a first name, Eduardo conveys that your baby boy is a "rich guard".
Felipe: Meaning "friend of horses".
Fernando: An elegant and gorgeous name, Fernando symbolizes a "brave journey".
Francisco: In Portuguese and Spanish, Francisco is a word for "Frenchman" (i.e. a man from France).
Gerardo: This name symbolizes a "spear".
Hubertus: Prince Hubertus is a famous Mexican businessman and singer who descends from the family that ruled parts of Germany.
Javier: Meaning "new house".
Jesús: A religious and deeply-expressive name, Jesús conveys that your baby boy is a "God of salvation".
Jorge: This simple yet elegant name is defined as "farmer" in Spanish and Portuguese.
José: By giving your son this title, you imply that "he will add" something new to your family.
Juan: Juan is a Spanish and Manx name that expresses that "Yaweh is gracious". To clarify, Juan goes back to Hebrew origins, and Yaweh is a term that references "God" in the Old Testament.
Luis: Meaning "battle".
Manuel: This linguistically-rich title is derived from Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Greek, Italian, and Romanian roots.
Marco: Marco is an equivalent of 'Mars', a Roman god, that blends Dutch, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish linguistic elements.
Mateo: Mateo suggests that your baby boy is a "gift of Yaweh/God".
Maximilian: An aristocratic name that was held by Mexican nobles.
Pablo: Meaning "humble".
Pedro: Pedro is a Spanish and Portuguese word for "stone".
Pierre: Another aristocratic and royal name.
Rafael: This popular name is defined as "God heals".
Raul: Meaning "wolf".
Ricardo: Ricardo implies that your son is a "brave ruler".
Roberto: In Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian, Roberto refers to "bright fame".
Salvador: Salvador de Iturbide y Huarte was the son of the former Mexican Empress, Ana Maria Huarte.
Santiago: The Spanish and Portuguese version of "Saint James".
Francisco Javier: As a two-part name, Francisco Javier may mean "Frenchman" and/or "the new house".
José Luis: Meaning "he will add" and/or "battle".
Juan Carlos: Defined as either "Yaweh/God is gracious" and/or "man".
Miguel Ángel: This name translates to "who is like God" and/or "angel".
While most Mexican male and female titles are derived from European languages, there are still many baby boy and girl names native to Mexico and its indigenous communities.
Atl: Atl is a Nahua name that means "water".
Atlahua: In the same vein, this Nahua title refers to an "owner of water".
Canneo: Canneo is a common name among the Pame indigenous community, and it means "birth of water".
Danaá: Meaning "stream".
Erendirani: This unisex Purépecha name translates to "happy".
Hasen: Another unisex title, Hasen, a Mazateco name, means "soul".
Hedía: The name of the Otomi "God of wind".
Ikal: Ikal means "spirit" in Mayan.
Iktan: Meaning "clever", Iktan is a Mayan unisex name.
Irepani: This indicates that your son is a "founder".
Itzamatul: A unisex name that suggests that your baby boy is one "who has the grace of the sky".
Kabil: Meanwhile, Kabil pertains to "he who has a good hand to sow".
Kasakir: This means "daybreak".
Maatiaak: Among the Quiché communities, the meaning of Maatiaak is "desert".
Masawa: Defined as "evening wind".
Naran: An indigenous Triqui unisex name that symbolizes "lunar eclipse".
Nima: Nima is a suitable title for both boys and girls, and it means "big".
Polo: Polo is another word for "sea" in Quiché societies.
Rahui: Meaning "day".
Semeel jak: A Kiliwa word for "forest".
Seti: A Mazateco unisex name that translates to "bright".
Séneca: Séneca is a male title that highlights that your baby boy is like a "spring of water".
Shanarani: Meaning "walker", this is a unisex name that's given to boys and girls in the Purépecha community.
Surem: Meaning "ancestors"
Suré: A unisex name that suggests that its holder "has heart".
Taiyari: Members of the huichol society give this warm and lovely title to boys and girls alike. It means "our heart".
Tanok: Tanok is a word that represents "sun" in the Tepehuan language.
Tlayolotl: A deep and expressive potential name for your son, Tlayolotl pertains to the "heart of the earth".
Tsijiari: A perfect choice for newborn baby boys, Tsijiari means "little sun".
Yooko: Meaning “tiger”.
Now that you read this list, you probably have a few ideas when it comes to choosing a name for your baby boy. Keep in mind that your options are plenty when it comes to meanings, linguistic origins, and symbolism.