Islamic Names for Boys

October 4, 2021

Welcome to our list of the 50 most popular Islamic names for boys. Each name has a short explanation of its meaning along with a cool fact about the name. 

This list is perfect for:

  • Parents looking for an Islamic baby name
  • People who want to change their name via deed poll to a more Islamic sounding one
  • People who want to find out which are the most popular Islamic names

So without further interruption here is the list of the 50 most popular Islamic names for boys.

50 Popular Islamic Names for Boys

Abd Rabboh

Many Islamic names start with the word "Abd", which means "worshipper" in Arabic. The male name Abd Rabboh translates to "the worshipper of his lord".


'Aziz', which is Arabic for "dear" or "beloved", is one of God's 99 names in Islam.


'Fattah' is derived from the Arabic word "fatih", which means opening. In the context of being one of God's names, 'Fattah' refers to the one who opens the doors of mercy to worshippers.


In short, this name is literally defined as "the worshipper of Allah", with "Allah" meaning "God" in Arabic.


The definition of 'Rahman' - another one of God's names in Arabic - is "the merciful".


"Samad" translates to "the one who is in command". 


Abdulwahed means "the worshiper of the only God". Since "wahed" means "only" or "singular" in Arabic, it is used to refer to God as being the sole lord.

Abu Baker

Abu Baker was one of the Prophet Mohammed's closest companions and his successor in leading the Islamic caliphate. Because of this, Abu Baker is one of the most common Islamic names for boys in the world.


Adnan is a popular Pakistani name, and it is widely used in Bosnia and other Muslim countries. Adnan, which means "settler", was an ancestor of the Prophet Mohammed.


This name originally comes from the word "olou", which is Arabic for "height" or "elevation". Therefore, Ali is defined as a person who is above/higher than his surroundings. It is also the name of the Prophet Mohammed's nephew.


In Arabic, ‘Ammar’ means a person who "stands tall and still", and it pertains to someone who has unshaken and solid faith. 


Ayyoub was the name of an Islamic prophet, and it is used to describe a highly patient individual.


This is the Arabic version of the Hebrew name 'Benjamin', and it is defined as "the son of the right hand". While this name isn't frequently used in Arabic and other Muslim countries, it is amongst the most popular Islamic names for boys in Bosnia.


The literal definition of this name is "damp". Bilal al Habashi was a one of the Prophet Mohammed's companions, and many Muslim families name their boys after this figure. 


Dawood is an Arabic variation of the globally-popular name 'David'.


Although it's mostly common amongst girls, this name is gender-neutral and used as a male's name in some areas (such as Bosnia). Eman means "faith".


Emin/Amin literally translates to "trustworthy" in Arabic. It is also one of the Prophet Mohammed's nicknames, which makes it amongst the famous Islamic names for boys.


In Arabic, Faris means "knight".


Faruq is derived from the Arabic word for "separating", and it is used to refer to a person who knows how to clearly differentiate between good and evil. Omar bin al Khatab, one of the Prophet Mohammed's closest companions and successors, was nicknamed the 'Faruq'.


This name doesn't have a specific religious connotation, but it is a common Islamic name for boys because the Prophet Mohammed's uncle was named 'Hamza'.


Harun is the Arabic form of the name 'Aaron', which has Hebrew origins. Many notable Islamic figures were called Harun, making this another popular name amongst Muslim families.


The literal translation of the word “Hasan” is "fine" or "handsome". The Prophet Mohammed had a nephew named Hasan.


Similarly, Hussein is used to refer to a "handsome" man or boy. One of the Prophet Mohammed's nephews (and Hasan's brother) is named Hussein.


Ibrahim is the Arabic version of the name Abraham, which is originally Hebrew.


Although the linguistic definition of this name is unclear, Idris is still amongst the most widespread Islamic names for boys in the world. In Islam, there was a prophet named Idris.


Ilyas is the Arabic version of 'Elijah'. The name's meaning refers to the Hebrew phrase "my God is Yahweh".


Arabic for 'Isaac', Ishaq is a prophet and the son of Abraham. This name is common across all Muslim societies, including Arabic-speaking countries and those that use other languages.


The Prophet Ismail was also the son of Abraham. This is the Arabic equivalent of the Biblical name 'Ishmael'.


Issa is the Arabic form of 'Jesus', who is viewed as a prophet in Islam.


"Karim" means "kind" in Arabic. Because it is amongst God's 99 names, the name 'Abdulkarim' is another mainstream Islamic name for boys.


This name was held by one of the prominent prophets in Islam. Similarly, Kenan is mentioned in the Bible, although under the Hebrew variation of the name.


Khalid, the word, means "immortal", and the name refers to the fact that true believers will remain immortal in heaven. A lot of historical and contemporary Muslim leaders were named Khalid.


In Arabic, Luqman pertains to a very wise person. Luqman is also a figure who is mentioned in the Quran.


Mansour is a prominent Islamic name that means "victorious" in Arabic.


Needless to say, this is believed to be the most popular and common Islamic name for boys. The word 'Mohammed' is used to describe a highly-praised and well-liked person.


Mu'awiyah was one of the Prophet Mohammed's companions. Moreover, he is the founder of arguably the greatest Islamic empire in history, the Ummayad Caliphate.


The Arabic version of 'Moses', Musa is a Muslim prophet and a very famous Islamic name.


The word Mustafa means "carefully selected and purified". It was one of the Prophet Mohammed's nicknames.


Another nickname that was given to the Prophet Mohammed, Muzammal is defined as a person who is covered in sheets. This name is significant because, according to Islamic theology, the Angel Gabriel referred to the Prophet Mohammed as the 'Muzammal' when he initially revealed God's word (the Quran) to him.


According to Islamic teachings, Nooh (the Arabic variation of Noah) was a prophet.


Many families across Muslim societies that speak different languages name their boys Omar. This is because Omar was a renowned companion and successor of the Prophet Mohammed. 


In the same vein, Othman was a close and loyal companion to the Prophet Mohammed, and he led the Islamic caliphate after Omar passed away. Another example of this name's prominence includes the Ottoman Empire, which was named after its founder and first ruler, Othman I.


Rashed is one of God's 99 names and amongst the most common Islamic names for boys.


This name is particularly frequent in Indonesia and other Muslim countries/societies in southeast Asia. In Indonesian, Reza means "love of justice".


Rizky is another Islamic Indonesian name. It originates from the Arabic word for "blessings".


"Saif" translates to "sword" in Arabic.


The name Sajid comes from the Arabic word "sojood", which means kneeling to God while praying.


In Arabic, Shahid means "martyr".


Sulaiman is the Arabic version of the biblical King Solomon, who is also mentioned in the Quran. In plain Arabic, Sulaiman refers to a "sound" and "intact" individual.


Just as with its English definition, a Sultan is a ruler of a certain empire or region. Throughout history, many Muslim leaders held the title 'sultan', which is why this is amongst the most popular Islamic names for boys across the globe.


This word translates to "pure". In a religious context, Muslims name their male children Tahir as a way to symbolize religious purity in the eyes of God.


Tarik was a close companion to the Prophet Mohammed.


Yahya, which means "greet" and "salute", is particularly used in Arabic-speaking societies. 


Yakub/Yaqub is the Arabic version of 'Jacob', who was an Islamic prophet.


Another prophetic name, Yousif is the Arabized format of 'Jacob'.

Final Thoughts

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