Changing Your Name in a Civil Partnership

October 8, 2024

Entering into a civil partnership is a significant moment in your life, and one of the decisions you may be considering is whether or not to change your name. 

In the UK, there are several options available when it comes to name changes for civil partners. 

Whether you want to take your partner’s name, combine your surnames, or create something entirely new, the process is straightforward—but it’s essential to understand the different choices available to you.

Changing Your Name in a Civil Partnership: The Options

1. Taking Your Partner’s Surname

One of the most traditional options is to take your partner’s surname. 

After registering your civil partnership, you can legally adopt your partner’s surname, just as married couples can. 

If you choose this option, you’ll need to notify various organisations of your name change, such as banks, the DVLA, HM Passport Office, and your employer. 

You may be required to present your civil partnership certificate as proof.

2. Double-Barrelling Your Surnames

If you want to retain both surnames, you can opt for a double-barrelled surname. 

This involves joining your surname and your partner’s surname, usually with a hyphen (e.g., Smith-Jones or Jones-Smith). 

This option allows you both to maintain your original identity while showing your new partnership. Double-barrelling is a popular choice because it symbolises equality between partners.

You don't need a deed poll for this change—your civil partnership certificate may suffice for most institutions. 

However, if you want to rearrange the order of the names or remove the hyphen later, a deed poll might be necessary.

3. Combining Surnames (Merging)

Another option is to merge your surnames into a completely new one. 

For example, if your surnames are "Smith" and "Jones," you could create something new like "Smones" or "Jith." This choice offers a unique way to symbolise your union and can be a creative expression of your partnership.

To officially combine surnames in this way, you will need to apply for a deed poll.

4. Keeping Your Original Surname

Of course, you may decide not to change your surname at all. Many people in civil partnerships choose to retain their original name for professional or personal reasons. 

There is no legal requirement to change your name when entering into a civil partnership, so you can continue using your surname if you prefer.

5. Using Your Civil Partnership Name Informally

You might decide to use your partner’s surname informally while keeping your original surname for official purposes. 

For example, you can introduce yourself with your partner’s surname in social situations, but continue using your own surname on legal documents. 

If you later decide to make the change official, you can apply for a deed poll.

6. Creating a Completely New Surname

If neither of your surnames appeals to you, there’s always the option of creating a brand-new surname for both of you. 

This option is becoming increasingly popular among couples who want a fresh start and a name that reflects their new family identity.

Like combining surnames, creating a new one will require a deed poll to make it official.

What to Consider Before Changing Your Name

  • Professional Identity: If you’ve built a career under your current surname, consider the impact a name change might have on your professional life.
  • Children: If you have children, you may want to consider how your name change might affect them, particularly if you want to maintain a family identity.
  • Personal Preference: Ultimately, the decision to change your name is a personal one. There’s no right or wrong choice—it’s about what feels best for you and your partner.

Final Thoughts

Changing your name in a civil partnership is an exciting and personal decision. 

Whether you decide to take your partner’s surname, combine your names, or keep things as they are, the choice is entirely up to you. 

Whatever you choose, remember that the process is flexible, and you can always change your name later on if you change your mind.

How Do I Change My Name?


Ready to Change Your Name?

The UK Deed Poll Office is not a government agency. Our function is purely as a document provider for the self-declaration of an unenrolled deed poll. We are here to assist in your name change journey, as we have done for over 100,000 UK residents.


Join the thousands who have trusted the UK Deed Poll Office to help change their name. Fill out our fast, simple, and affordable online application to receive your Deed Poll in no time!
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