Welcome to our list of the 50 most popular African Boy's names. Each name has a short explanation of its meaning along with a cool fact about the name.
This list is perfect for:
Alier: Alier is among the common Dinka names that are given to newborn boys in South Sudan.
Amana: Amana, on the other hand, is one of the uncommon Swahili baby names. It means "a warrior at heart who is faithful and loyal".
Amani: As Swahili names swell in popularity across the US, a lot of parents are giving them to their children. An example is Amani. Defined as "peace" and "safety", this title was held by former New York Giants player Amani Toomer.
Badru: Derived from the Arabic word 'Badr', Badru translates to "full moon".
Bakari: Another originally-Arabic name, Bakari has two denotations: "young camel" and "a promising and lovely human being".
Chacha: Meaning "a strong man".
Chol: A Dinka name for boys.
Deng: Deng is also a Dinka title that's given to South Sudanese baby boys.
Djimon: Those who appreciate Yoruba baby names should add this to their shortlist. Djimon indicates that your son has "strong/powerful blood".
Dut: This name is popular among Dinka-speaking South Sudanese families.
Ebunoluwa: In the Yoruba language, Ebunoluwa is defined as "God's gift" or "gift of God".
Elewisa: This name refers to "an intelligent and mindful person" in Swahili.
Enitan: A gorgeously-deep Yoruba name, Enitan means "person of story".
Fisayo: In Yoruba, Fisayo is another way of saying "God has added to my joy".
Francois: This is one of the most popular Afrikaans names. Pertaining to a "free man", Francois is the Afrikaans version of 'Francis'.
Garang: The symbolism of this Dinka title varies from each South Sudanese community to the other.
Gidea: In its original Hebrew format, Gidea translates to the phrase "was neglected for long, but has started to climb now".
Hami: Meaning "defender" or "protector" in Swahili.
Hansie: Defined as "God is gracious", Hansie is the Afrikaans variant of 'Johannes'.
Henrico: A name that highlights that your son will be a "state ruler".
Ife: Meaning "love".
Iyanu-Oluwa: The Yoruba way of saying "miracle of the Lord".
Jabari: Derived from the Arabic name of 'Jabbar', Jabari signifies that you have a "powerful" boy.
Jabori: A warm and comforting Swahili name, Jabori means "one who brings comfort to people".
Jina: In Swahili, Jina translates to a "born investigator" that has "leadership skills" and a "curiosity to learn and gain knowledge".
Jok: Jok is a spiritual/godly Dinka figure.
Kenyada: This precious name symbolizes a "gem" in Swahili.
Kenyatta: The Swahili word for "jewel".
Kibet: One of the unique aspects about Kalenjin names and their meanings is that they reference the time, place, and/or circumstance of the child’s birth. With that in mind, Kibet is defined as "born midday".
Kipkemoi: Meaning "born at night".
Kipkoech: This name means "born very early in the morning".
Kiprop: Kiprop indicates that your baby boy was "born during the rainy season".
Kipyator: An excellent Kalenjin title for your first son, Kipyator translates to "opening the way".
Kuol: Multiple prominent South Sudanese politicians and public figures are named Kuol.
Kweli: Meaning "true" in Swahili.
Lencho: Lencho is synonymous to "lion", and it is the Afrikaans equivalent of 'Leo'.
Mabior: Mabior is a spiritual Dinka name that symbolizes a "white bull".
Marial: Marial, on the other hand, pertains to a "black and white type of bull" in Dinka.
Mosi: In Swahili, Mosi is defined as "the first-born child".
Ochieng: An elegant and meaningful option for parents who are enthusiastic about Lou names, Ochieng suggests that your baby boy was "born when the sun shines".
Odhiambo: The meaning of this Lou title is "born in the evening".
Omari: A way to express that your son is "flourishing" or will have a "long life", Omari is a Swahili name that can be traced back to the Arabic name of 'Umar'.
Omondi: A Lou name that suggests that your boy was "born early in the morning".
Otieno: Meaning "born at night".
Ropo: In Swahili, Ropo means "come to save".
Russom: This Swahili title pertains to "one who is a leader/head of the charge".
Rylond: The Afrikaans form of 'Reynold', Rylond is a name that symbolizes a "ruler" or "counselor".
Sefu: Sefu is the Swahili variant of the Arabic name 'Seif', and it means "sword".
Seye: This Yoruba title is defined as "honor".
Taiwo: One of the best picks for those who are expecting twins, Taiwo is a masculine Yoruba name that means "first of twins".
Talib: This Swahili title became famous in the U.S. and elsewhere thanks to hip-hop artist Talib Kweli.
Thon: You may add Thon to our list of Dinka names for boys.
Tobibola: Meaning "big boy in wealth".
Tolulope: For those who prefer religious and spiritual names, Tolulope is an excellent Yoruba choice since it translates to "thanks be to God"
Toluwanimi: The Yoruba way of saying "I belong to God".
Zuberi: A Swahili name given to "one who is strong".
This comprehensive list should give you a variety of choices for potential names for your baby boy. They include tribal Dinka names, Swahili titles that are becoming widespread in the Western world, Kalenjin ones that describe the time and place in which your son was born, and many others.
In a few words, your options are just as diverse and unique as the linguistic and cultural makeup of Africa is.
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