Information REPOSITORY

Browse The UK Deed Poll's past content, and find links to updated information on each page. Please keep in mind that any information/links in the Information Repository may be out of date.

I’m getting married abroad and I’ve been told that I have to get my Deed Poll legalised. How do I do that?

Documents generally have to be “legalised” when they have to be used and recognised abroad.  This is most likely to apply to a Deed Poll when people are getting married abroad, or when foreign nationals who are living in the UK want subsequently to change the name in their foreign passport.  “Legalisation” has to be carried out by the Foreign Office and they will only do so if the document has either been witnessed by a solicitor or notary public, or “certified”.

A “certified” copy is a photocopy of an original (or duplicate, if you order from us) that has been “certified” as a true copy of the original, by a solicitor, notary public, Commissioner for Oaths or Justice of the Peace.  These will all charge a fee for “certifying” a Deed Poll, but the fees vary.  A solicitor will generally charge between £5 and £15 to “certify” a document like a Deed Poll; a notary public will generally charge more.

For more information about legalisation, certification and execution of your Deed Poll, please go to the Deed Poll Information list at the top left of this page, and click on “Certified/Legalised/Duplicate Copies” and "Marriage".

To review the most current version of this information, please visit Marriage and Civil Partnerships. Click here to return to the Information Repository main page.

The UK Deed Poll Office is not a government agency. Our function is purely as a document provider for the self-declaration of an unenrolled deed poll. We are here to assist in your name change journey, as we have done for over 100,000 UK residents.


Join the thousands who have trusted the UK Deed Poll Office to help change their name. Fill out our fast, simple, and affordable online application to receive your Deed Poll in no time!
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