Use our transgender name generator tool to choose a new name name. If you legally want to change your name from Ftm or MtF, use our deed poll services.
Use our transgender name generator tool to choose a new name name. If you legally want to change your name from Ftm or MtF, use our deed poll services.
The gender-neutral, gender-inclusive title “Mx.” has been in use for decades, but many people are still unfamiliar with its meaning. Mx. is becoming more mainstream, with the U.K. leading the way in official acceptance. Read on to discover the meaning, history, and legal usage of Mx. What Is Mx. and How Is the Title Used? […]
If you've lost your deed poll you will need to apply for a new one (sorry for the bad news). The good news is that obtaining a new deed poll is a straightforward process. You will need to apply for a new one, sign it in front of witnesses, and use it to update your […]
Are you thinking about ordering a deed poll with the UK Deed Poll Office (that's us)? Your deed poll will need to be accepted by every major institution if you want your name change to be effective. Therefore it is imperative that your deed poll looks like a legal document that will be accepted by […]
Have you ever wondered about the history of name changes in the United Kingdom? Below, you’ll learn some of the history regarding name changes in the UK, as well as what the rules are today, and how to find records of name change . UK Laws on Changing One’s Name from 1916-1971 Those who were […]
Since 2005, transgender people in the UK are eligible to obtain a Gender Recognition Certificate which allows them to formally change their gender. In this article, we'll explain the steps you need to take to change your gender, as well as your name, to match your new identity. What Do I Have To Prove To […]
There are many different reasons you might wish to change your name. Regardless of why you do so, the next step is to change your documents to refer to you by the correct name. This article will delve into how to change your name on a UK naturalization certificate. Need help updating your documents? Use […]
There are many reasons why you might find yourself wanting to change your baby’s name soon after it is born. Although it may seem like a complicated process, this guide will help you learn how to easily change a baby’s name in the UK. Can I Change My Baby's Name After I’ve Registered it in […]
There is a long-held tradition in many countries where a woman will take the last name of the man that she has just married. Maiden names are referred to as the original and unmarried names that women hold before they are married, but there is no equivalent for men. The process of taking a man’s […]
Kanye West has changed his name many times during his career, and he has worn just as many professional hats during those years of life in the public eye. There are not many famous people who have had as many names as he has throughout his career, and it can be hard to track when […]